German technology
Humic Substances Based Products
Humintech GmbH
Am Pösenberg 9-13
D-41517 Grevenbroich

Telefon: +49 2181 70 676 - 0
Fax: +49 2181 70 676 - 22
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NRW Minister President Hendrik Wüst visits Humintech

NRW Minister President Hendrik Wüst visits Humintech

Prime Minister Wüst accepted our invitation and visited our production halls and the company on 4 May 2022. Also present were the member of the Bundestag Hermann Gröhe, Mrs. Serap Güler as a member of the German Bundestag and the member of the State Parliament of the Grevenbroich region Mrs. Heike Troles.

Mr. Tolga Halici as presentant and board member of ATIAD (Association of Turkish Entrepreneurs and Industrialists in Europe e.V., Düsseldorf) as well as our colleagues Dr. Yasser Dergham, Mr. Berthold Stern and Managing Directors Aydogan Cengiz and Müfit Tarhan gave an overview and expressed their gratitude for the production location NRW. The Prime Minister concluded: "My parents, who were born in '38 and '42, always said: 'If you can do something, then you have something, then you are something.' And it was the same with the first generation of immigrants. Today, in the second or third generation, there are many entrepreneurs with a migration history who are part of a joint success story in North Rhine-Westphalia with strong companies. Thank you very much for your commitment and for your entrepreneurial performance."


Humintech ist ein Biotechunternehmen mit Sitz in Grevenbroich. Unser Fokus liegt auf der Erforschung, Entwicklung und industriellen Produktion von  Huminstoffen und Huminsäuren für den Landwirtschaftssektor. Unsere Produkte finden außerdem Verwendung in der Futtermittel-, Pharma- und Bauindustrie, der Veterinärmedizin und bei ökologischen Anwendungen wie etwa der Wasserreinigung und Bodensanierung.



Humintech GmbH

Am Pösenberg 9-13
D-41517 Grevenbroich / Deutschland 

Telefon: +49 2181 70 676 - 0
Fax: +49 2181 70 676 - 22
E-Mail senden


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