HUMINTECH at the Eco-Field Days 2022 in Villmar, Hessen, Germany

Our representatives for the German-speaking region, Volker Gerdelmann, Alexander Rube and Mihail Brinza will present our bestsellers, newcomers and special products at the Eco-Field Days at Gladbacherhof and give advice on biostimulants and soil health.
HUMINTECH is currently represented by our colleagues Volker Gerdemann, Alexander Rube and Mihail Brinza at the Eco-Field Days at the Hessian State Domain Gladbacherhof in Villmar. From June 28 to 30, 2022, the event all about organic farming will now take place for the third time; the organizers are FiBL Projekte GmbH, the Hessian Ministry of Agriculture, Justus Liebig University Giessen with the Hessian State Domain Gladbacherhof, the State Farm of Hesse and the Foundation Ecology and Agriculture (SÖL). The patronage of the Öko-Feldtage is taken over by the Bund Ökologische Lebensmittelwirtschaft (BÖLW).
We will present our bestsellers such as POWHUMUS®, PERLHUMUS® and LIQHUMUS® as well as niche products for individual site issues, deficient soils and extreme climates and, of course, our brand new product line Microsense Line, which combines biostimulants and organic fertilizers.
Visit us at booth D14 with your questions about conversion to organic farming, soil improvement and plant strengthening. We look forward to seeing you!